Monday, September 20, 2010

Part 2: Consequence Analyses, 1st blog on this part of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

A consequence analysis is an examination of the sequence of interrelated events a proposed action will logically produce.
Mikael does not carry out a competent consequence analysis of his flight to the hinterland.
* He wants to get out of Wennerstrom's view and therefore save his magazine from the onslaught of bad press and a shaky financial status, orchestrated by Wennerstrom. He leaves it up to his lover/business-partner and the staff to handle the storm that will decend on them.
* He does not consider fully the impact of his investigation into Harriet's disappearance. In this closed room mystery all the players in the drama can be identified, and if the perpetrator is not dead, Mikael himself could be in danger as he gets close to the mystery.
* He does not question how Henrik is connected to Wennerstrom and what kind of information Henrik has that would be damaging to Wennersrom, but instead proceeds to enter in a contract with Henrik where one of the rewards is a good "Wennerstrom shellacing" with new -- and one would hope -- damning information.
* He does not consider the downside of starting a sexual relationship with Henrik's niece.
* He doesn't consider -- and this is his biggest failure -- what if all this information provided him by Henrik about the day Harriet disappears, what if something Henrik fully documents is not true.

He seems to not care. He is prone to laziness. Intellectual laziness is my judgement.

On the other hand, Lisbeth is quite proficient at consequence analyses since she has reaped the rewards of not caring; she is a ward of the state, vulnerable to the excesses and whims of its representatives, specifically its social workers. She is legally a minor, unable to conduct her life without intrusion.

Lisbeth gets into a fix. Lisbeth's guardian (who really cares about her) was removed because he falls ill. She gets a pervert assigned to her by social services. It's fairly disgusting. Her plan of action is astonishing. And from this we come to understand that she will exact revenge and safeguard herself even if she gets hurt in the process. Wow. I won't ruin it for you.

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