Monday, January 09, 2006

The Lighthouse -- Locations

Combe Island off Cornwall, 20 miles sw of Lundy Island and 12 mi from the mainland. The nearest large city is Newquay so that would make this fictitious island off the western shore of Cornwall, I imagine. My map is not detailed enough to locate Lundy Island or the small village of Pentworthy.

I've been to Cornwall within the passed few years. A wild and rugged coast with startling vistas. The land back from the cliffs was furred with tough short-cropped vegetation as if the wind kept it hunkered down. This area had been a pirate's and smuggler's haven in years long past, an insulated society that even today is suspicious of outsiders. Some of Cornwall's tourist trade focuses on the stories around King Arthur and Merlin, Guinevere. My husband and I avoided that and therefore we found ourselves in areas where foreign tourists don't usually tread.

Never been to a Cornish Island and, as Lady James describes a character in the book, I am probably "not an islander" -- which is a telling observation of an outsider understood without further elaboration by islanders.

On Combe Island are:
the main house -- Combe House, it has a tower

stone cottages
Atlantic Cottage -- Emily Holcombe
Peregrin Cottage -- Nathan Oliver
Harbor Cottage -- Jago Tamlyn
Murrelet Cottage -- Dr. Mark Yelland
Dolphin Cottage --

Lighthouse -- west of Combe House, visible from the house

Harbor, quayside -- to the east of Combe House

An since I am always interested in London locations, here are the locations discussed in the Prologue:
Ins. Kate Miskin's flat above the Thames, looking sw, below Tower Bridge, overlooking Canary Wharf.
Benton-Smith's flat in nw, around Shepherd's Bush.

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