Tuesday, February 22, 2005

The Players

Adam Dalgliesh -- Commander, Scotland Yard
Conrad Ackrod -- eccentric editor of PaterNoster, a book review
____Nellie, wife
Max Dupayne -- founder of the museum of the interwar years
Neville Dupayne -- son
Marcus Dupayne -- son, retiring from govmt service
____Alison, wife -- sophistocated, unfaithful, urbane
Caroline Dupayne -- principle of Swathling's Finishing School for Girls, London
Tally (Tallulah) Clutton, b 1938 (64 years old) -- house keeper of Dupayne Museum, a London-phile, nice woman, lives at the museum in a cottage (which makes this mystery set in 2002)
____Jennifer (daughter) & Roger Crawford; grandchildren Clive and Samantha
Ryan Archer -- young man, gardner at Dupayne Museum
Muriel Godby -- librarian of Dupayne Museum
Emma Lavenhan -- professor, English, Cambridge; love interst of Dalgliesh
Clara Bechwith -- friend of Emma, university friend, lesbian, financial analyst, London
Lady Swathling -- founder of Swathling's Finishing School for Girls, London
James Calder-Hale -- b 1947, 55 years old, curator of Dupayne Museum, cancer reoccured & 6 months to live?, determined to finish his history of the gap years
Mrs. Faraday -- volunteer at the museum, gardening
Mrs. Angela Faraday -- PA of Neville Dupayne, lover of ND
Selwyn Faraday -- son of Mrs. Faraday the elder, developmentally disabled, husband of Angela
Major Arkwright -- Maida Vale, homosexual, sponsor of Ryan Archer
____Mrs. Perrifield -- downstairs neighbor of the Major
Stanley Carter -- mechanic, Duncan's Garage in Highgate
Mrs. Strictland -- a frightenly competent elderly volunteer. 80-something years old, birth mother of Neville.

Kate Miskin -- Detective Inspector
Piers Trannant -- Inspector
Benton-Smith -- Inspector

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